Monday, February 24, 2014

Moustache Unplugged #3

Hehehe...undetected, I've grabbed a moment to work on my letter...

Dear Olympic Committee,

Sochi was a beautiful place with scenic views and magnifcent structures to accompany the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.  But, did you notice the palm trees?  Um, palm trees grow in warm climates and I think Winter Olympic sports require cold temperatures...

As a review, summer is to hot as winter is to cold. 

Now, let's add a little twist to the review.  Sochi is to winter games like Antarctica is to summer games.  Get it??

Announcers and athletes repeatedly spoke of bad snow, slush, melting ice and the like.  And this is a surprise?  Oh, but I forgot, some of last year's snow was cleverly stored under magic blankets.  C'mon!  Year old snow??  Add a little Sochi rain and, hello mashed potatoes that we all watched get squeegeed around on the slopes.  One announcer even sugar-coated his description of the courses having "tricky snow conditions."

Get it together.  The athletes deserve better.  The best of the best should have elite platforms to compete against one another, not sloppy seconds.

Thanks for listening,
The Moustache

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