Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Moustache Unplugged #2

Hehehe...undetected, I have grabbed the opportunity to work on my latest...with a dictionary this time...

I can't believe what I'm hearing!!  It's making my whiskers twitch!

A community in Colorado, who knowingly moved into mountain lion country, are surprised that their dogs and cats are disappearing and are blaming the lion.  Acting absolutely astonished, they are vocal about the calamity to include the sensationalism of how small kids might be next. They are demanding governmental intervention to step in and fix it.

Really?   C'mon!

Let's review.  The cougar, puma, mountan lion or whatever you want to call the greatly oversized house cat has been around long before anyone even settled in the area.  Forefathers understood the cougar's existence and learned how to live WITH them in a variety of ways.  Mr. Puma doesn't focus on dog-nachos or kitty-burgers, they are simply opportunists survivng by what they know, ie. kill and eat things.  If said things are easy to catch and pose little threat of getting hurt, even better.

So, with goverment already spending way too much as it is, lets save a few dollars.  These community members need to accept living in cougar country and apply common sense to protect what they love.  Leashes, protective enclosures, etc is their responsibility, not Big Brother's!  I seriously doubt they were forced to live up there...they decided to reside in the abundance of nature, so its up to them to deal with it or return to civilization. 

It's kind of like moving downwind from a sewage treatment plant, complaining about the stink and then bell-ringing the government to fix it.  That procedure in living life is totally unacceptable!

Bears, bobcats, coyotes and fox will also snack on pets, are they next to be targeted?

I'm a staunch advocate of pets, but you can't always have your cake and eat it, too!

I feel better now.  Thanks for listening.
The Moustache

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